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"Outdoor Running" Inside

Monday, March 19, 2018 It use to be that I could run outside in any kind of weather. I would run in the snow, in the rain, in high humidity, and in the baking sun. That was then (over a decade ago), but this is now.: indoor treadmill running until the morning temps hit 40* or above. So, I still have a few more good weeks to keep on my morning machine. However, when the time comes to run outside, I don't want to be panting my way through the countryside and have days of complete soreness. This will happen if I don't change up my indoor running regime. Currently, I run approximately 35 miles a week on the treadmill at a ZERO % incline and I run at a fixed speed the ENTIRE duration. But the outdoors is completely different. The outdoor grades vary from minor to major inclines due to the inconsistent terrains of hills. The terrain not only consists of inclines, but also declines. Paces naturally accelerate as one runs into to open. Paces also are inconsistent because there is not a mechanical belt you are running on that runs at a set speed. Outdoor running requires more effort and indoor running can be boring. If you have any kind of anticipation to run outdoors this spring and summer, now is the time to train on the treadmill with an outdoor prep program. Here is a chart to help create an indoor running program:

Below is a program to prepare for outside running. Ideally this should be done 2-4 times per week for 3-4 weeks. If you are a beginner. You can decrease the set speeds. Or, if you prefer, keep your current running speed and toggle between inclines every 2-3 minutes.

Have a GREAT week! ~Rachel Zimmerman

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