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Manic Monday - Breast Cancer Prevention Month


It's been a month when fall colors usually sprout. But with this unusually warm (and rainy) fall, there is still a lot of green outside. However, inside school gymnasiums and out on the sport fields, I have been seeing a TON of PINK! It's a joy to see that our local schools and communities are supporting breast cancer awareness by wearing and displaying the color pink everywhere! The best part about it: the kids are being exposed to this awareness. With so many people affected by breast cancer, it's bound to tug our heartstrings. So this week's Manic Monday post is about breast cancer awareness. Of course it's a big part of staying healthy when you are aware of symptoms and risk factors that will allow for prompt attention. And that's the key! Nipping BC in the bud!

I cannot let October pass without bringing attention to breast cancer awareness!

Please read the remaining post as I have also attached a very important link.

May we honor those who have been affected by BC!!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer risks, the value of screening and early detection, and treatment options available to women and men who are diagnosed with one of the many forms of breast cancer. More than 249,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer every year, and nearly 41,000 die from the disease.

Over the years, a loop of pink ribbon has come to symbolize breast cancer awareness, and today the image of a pink ribbon can be found emblazoned on thousands of products, from apparel to dishware to office supplies. But there's more to awareness than just wearing pink.

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